Chapter 8.7- Passing on the legacy

Knox does some grilling

Falcon enjoys doing yoga

The family work on school projects

Zane and Sally help their son with homework

Falcon becomes a teenager who loves the ocean

Zane doesn’t like annoying people

Falcon does some cooking

Falcon and Sally both love yoga

Zane is soon an elder

He retires

Knox loves programming too

Sally uses the tablet

Sally and Zane love to cloud gaze no matter the weather

Knox soon becomes a young adult and will now take over the family legacy. His final trait is neat. Sally achieved all her goals for this Generation. She got the Good trait at YA, She enrolled in University and did a Physics Degree. She cheated on her Term Paper, She completed the Academic Aspiration, she joined the Mechanical Engineering Career. She married Zane and they had two children Knox and Falcon.

Chapter 8.6- Promotions

Falcon becomes a loner as a child

Zane helps Falcon with his homework

and repairs the dishwasher

Knox plays computer games

Sally does some house chores

and works on her robotics

Zane reaches the top of his career

as does Sally

The boys work on their school projects

The family enjoy watching movies together

The boys are still close

Knox is soon a Genius and a teen

he prefers chatting online

Falcon is a good student

Chapter 8.5-Finally

Sally finishes her final term with an A minus

Zane gets promoted

Knox loves video games

He also chats with friends

Sally repairs the toilet

Sally finally graduates

Sally gets a job as a mechanical engineer and achieves her aspiration

Falcon loves exploring

and playing with toys

Sally works on her robotics skill

Good thing she does

Sally gets promoted

Falcon does some more exploring

She also becomes an adult

and does some house repairs

Falcon loves hugging the bear

Falcon also loves making messes and Zane has to tell him off

Chapter 8.4- Birthdays

Knox loves babbling away to everyone

Even to the bear

Falcon is born

Lucy works out

Knox plays with blocks

Falcon is soon an independent toddler

Zane enjoys playing computer games

He also got promoted

Knox and Falcon are quite close and are always playing together

and chatting together

Falcon plays with blocks

Sally plays in the snow

Lucy dies

Sally plays physical games with falcon

Zane does flashcards with his son

Zane becomes an adult

Knox becomes a geek as a child