Chapter 9.13- Mastering Skills

Archer enjoys playing inside the toy box

Alex chats with her son

and does some exercise

Archer loves making music

Kenny repairs the bath

He masters the handiness skill

Aurora does some painting

Kathy relaxes in the hot-tub despite the snow

Bryson chats online

Archer plays with blocks

Alejandra maxes the athletic skill

Kenneth brushes the cats

Alex and Kenneth become adults

Chapter 9.12- Family Time

Alex enjoys reading skill books as bedtime stories

Aurora uses the rocking horse

Aurora and Alex have pillow fights

Aurora is soon a teenager. She rolled the Loves the heat trait

She enjoys spending time with her baby brother

Kenneth teaches Archer to talk

alex enjoys watching cooking shows

Mittens and Lucky play together

Kenny sunggles Archer

Aurora and Alex play table tennis

Robi asks Aurora to prom

Kenneth spends time with his son

Chapter 9.11- Relationships

Kathy spent some time playing with Archer

She also loves playing computer games

Bryson did a new exercise routine

Alex and Kenny watched the stars

Kenny also gave his wife a massage

Kenny bonds with his son

Aurora does some painting

Archer becomes a toddler

Kenny upgrades the oven

he potty trains his son

Aurora is doing great at school

She enjoys playing pretend

Kenneth teaches Archer to walk.

Chapter 9.10- Birthdays

Aurora works on her homework

Bryson does some sculpting

Alex works out

Kathy does some reading

Aurora and Robi become best friends. They also enjoy playing tag and telling Ghost Stories

Kenny and Aurora have a pillow fight

Alex and Aurora chat

Aurora pretends to be a racing car driver

Kathy gets promoted

Kenneth repairs the kitchen sink

and spends some time with mittens.

Archer is born. He rolls the Virtusco and loves the outdoors traits

Kathy and Bryson become elders

Chapter 9.9- Dreams

Lucky does some climbing

Kenneth has pillow fights with his parents

He talks to his daughter about her role in the family legacy

Aurora brushes Mittens

Alex gets promoted

Aurora chats with Robi Oreilly on the phone

Kenneth goes to Egypt and completes his final adventure achieving Visa Level 3

Alex is soon pregnant with her second child

She does some exercise

Chapter 9.8- The Final World

Kenneth spends some time with Mittens

Then he heads off to Egypt where he explores some tombs avoiding traps, finding treasures and searching for items.

Aurora becomes a child and rolls the daredevil trait

Mittens plays

Kenneth brushes the cats

Kenneth heads back to Egypt for some more adventures and gains enough points to get a level 2 visa

Aurora plays in a leaf pile

and does some painting

Kenneth plays with Mittens

Chapter 9.7- Visiting France

Kenneth enjoys mind melding

He repairs the bath

he plays in the leaves

He heads down to France and makes a variety of Nectar

Alex snuggles with Aurora

Kathy players the gnome game

Kenneth works on his logic

Lucky and Mittens spend some time together

Kenneth reaches Level 3 Visa in France too

Lucky plays

Aurora makes some music

Kenny and Alex play horseshoes together and Alex wins

Chapter 9.6- Skills

Kenny masters the Martial Arts Skill

He goes skating on a lake

He makes a snowman

He chats with Lucky

Aurora is doted on by the whole family

She also enjoys playing with the shape sorter

Jarvis dies

A butler is hired

Kenneth meets a unicorn

Kenneth trains his wife

Chapter 9.5-Adventures

Aurora is soon a Toddler.

Kenneth has to head to France to finish an Adventure from China. Whilst he has done that, he uses the rest of his time there to go on some French Adventures and soon gains Visa Level 1

When he returns home, he teaches his daughter to walk

and talk

he also snuggles and chats with her

Then it’s potty training time

Aurora enjoys playing with the dolls house

and the play table

Kenny returns to China and gets the final visa level.

Chapter 9.3- Family Time

Kenneth soon returned to China and recieved an Upgrade on his Visa.

He also started learning the Martial Art skill and started sparring with some locals as well as exploring the local tombs finding treasures and searching for items.

Soon his time in China was up and he went home and spent some time with Mittens.

Brandi listened to her upcoming grandchild

Mittens enjoys looking out the windows

Kathy enjoys watching cooking shows

She also enjoys playing video games

Mittens explored the cat castle

Kenny and Alex played shuffleboard